Pelaksanaan Ujian Akhir Semester (UAS) atau final exam Genap Tahun Akademik 2013/2014 Jurusan Teknik Geologi FT UGM, diatur sebagai berikut:
UAS dilaksanakan selama 2 (dua) minggu pada 6 Juni – 17 Juni 2016
Selama UAS berlangsung, perkuliahan dan kegiatan akademik lainnya (praktikum, field trip, dll.) ditiadakan
Pemberian UAS susulan atau tugas khusus pengganti UAS, sepenuhnya adalah wewenang dosen pengampu mata kuliah Soal UAS harus diserahkan dosen pengampu kepada sekretariat minimal sehari sebelum pelaksanaan UAS diberlakukan Penggandaan soal UAS dan pengawasan saat UAS dilangsungkan, sepenuhnya menjadi tanggung jawab sekretariat dibawah pengaturan Pengurus Program Studi Setelah UAS berakhir, pihak pengajaran segera menyerahkan jawaban UAS kepada dosen pengampu mata kuliah tersebut untuk dikoreksi
Jadwal Ujian Akhir Semester Genap Tahun Akademik 2013/2014 dapat didownload di sini
Dalam rangka Dies Natalis yang ke-56, Departemen Teknik Geologi FT UGM menggelar Geoweek 2015. Diketuai oleh Dr. Ferian Anggara, Geoweek 2015 digelar dari tanggal 10 – 18 Oktober 2015 dengan serangkaian acara antara lain: Seminar Nasional, International Student Paper Contest, GeoExpo, Lomba Cerdas Cermat Kebumian, Course and Workshop, Professional Fieldtrip, Fun-Bike, serta Funtrip. Bisa dikatakan, GeoWeek 2015 adalah perhelatan terbesar yang pernah dilaksanakan oleh Departemen Teknik Geologi FT UGM sampai saat ini.
Penulis buku HOS Tjokroaminoto: Pelopor Pejuang, Guru Bangsa dan Penggerak Sarikat Islam, Agus Hendratno bersama HM Nasruddin Anshoriy CH (kiri) ketika memaparkan tentang tokoh HOS Tjokroaminoto di Universitas Cokroaminoto Yogyakarta (UCY) belum lama ini.
Bobroknya moral bangsa pada zaman modern saat ini, seperti masih maraknya korupsi hingga kekerasan seksual kepada anak-anak, penting diperhatikan dan sangat urgen untuk segera dilakukan pembenahan.
Melalui penerapan wasiat ajaran dan pemikiran Tjokroaminoto yang sangat terkenal dan bersumber dari hadis Nabi Muhammad SAW, yakni ungkapan lerena mangan sakdurunge wareg, hal tersebut sebenarnya bisa diperbaiki. Tjokroaminoto ingin menyampaikan kepada generasi bangsa agar menghindari sikap rakus dan serakah serta memanfaatkan aji mumpung dengan menggunakan jabatan untuk kepentingan-kepentingan pribadi atau golongan.
DwikoritaKarnawati(1), Eric. G. Frost(2), T. Faisal Fathani(1), Subroto(1), Budi Andayani(3)
1) UniversitasGadjahMada, Faculty of Engineering, Yogyakarta, Jl. Grafika no 2, 55281, Indonesia
2) San Diego State University, Geological Sciences and Visualization Center, San Diego, California, USA
3) UniversitasGadjahMada, Faculty of Psychology, Yogyakarta, Bulaksumur, 55281, Indonesia
Abstract: Smart Grid is a participatory cyber-based communication and information system, developed to support the communication-monitoring of landslide hazard and the coordination for landslide early warning, via participatory on-line web and/ or various type of social media. To test the effectivity ofthe Smart Grid performance, a pilot implementation of this system is now under preparation. A specific landslide hazard area in Karanganyar Regency will be selected as a pilot implementation site. Prior to and after the trial implementation of this system, a psycho-social survey will be carried out, in order to evaluate the limitations of such system and community response during the trial.
The copper-gold skarn mineralization occurred at the Batu Hijau deposit, a world class porphyry copper-gold deposit, is located in the southwestern corner of Sumbawa Island, Indonesia. The deposit mainly consists of three major rock types: andesitic volcaniclastic unit (Early to Middle Miocene) and equigranular quartz diorite (Late Miocene to Middle Pliocene), which are intruded by the three phases of copper-gold bearing tonalite porphyries (Early to Middle Pliocene). The tonalite porphyries were emplaced along the lithological contacts of two pre-mineralization wall rocks. Skarn were newly found at the contact of calcium rich andesitic volcanic layer and intermediate tonalite porphyry intrusion. Skarn can be classified as calcic-exoskarn, and it consists of a Fe-rich and oxidized skarn locally controlled by faults and fractures. Although no limestone is known in the Batu Hijau deposit, Ca-rich volcanic host rocks favoring to become skarn alteration within the Batu Hijau deposit.
Based on the mineral assemblages, the skarn forming process can be divided into two major stages such as prograde and retrograde stages consisting of four sub-stages. Prograde skarn consists of clinopyroxene (diopside) and garnet (mainly andradite) ± magnetite formed at relatively high fO2 and fS2 and temperature of 340 ̊-515 ̊C while retrograde skarn alteration is dominated by Fe- rich minerals such as amphibole and epidote formed at lower fO2 and fS2 , temperature down to 200 ̊-396 ̊C. Opaque minerals include chalcopyrite, pyrite, sphalertite, minor galena and bismuth-telluride. Gold precipitates in the retrograde alteration associated bismuth-telluride minerals. A decrease in SiO2 corresponds to increase FeOt from porphyry intrusion towards skarn zones. CaO and FeOt behave comparably in the skarns suggesting that the ore mineralization is coincident with carbonization of prograde assemblages during retrograde alteration. Chemical analysis shows the concentration of gold mineralization of 4.15 g/t and 2.7 g/t from
the high grade ore zone.
Based on the result of fluid inclusion and δ34S value, the evolution of fluid origin can be suggested that the origin of skarn and porphyry from the Batu Hijau deposit was largely of an igneous sulfur source of magmatic origin caused by the early anhydrous skarn assemblage is dominated by denser and more saline, and has very high temperature and salinity. The Batu Hijau deposit evidently shows a porphyry-related skarn mineralization that is mineralogically and metallogenically zoned and that transition from one style to the next can be relatively rapid. The result of this research has indicated that the range of porphyry-related deposits, skarn (calc-silicate-magnetite rocks) and porphyry (potassic altered rocks) can form during a single prolonged hydrothermal event.
Tertiary Petroleum System along Sorong Fault in the Bird Head of Papua to South of Halmahera Area, I
Tertiary Petroleum System along Sorong Fault in the Bird Head of Papua to South of Halmahera Area, Indonesia
Surjono, S.S1,2 , Toha, B2 & Winardi, S2
1, 2 Geological Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Gadjah Mada University
Jalan Grafika No.2, Yogyakarta, 55281, INDONESIA
Sorong Fault occurred in the northern part of Papua Island westward to the eastern part of Sulawesi Island is the boundary of Australian Continental and Pacific Oceanic Crusts. Close to the fault zone, there is the Salawati Basin that proofed as prolific tertiary basin in the eastern Indonesia developed among the Paleozoic and Mesozoic Basins. Sorong Fault which have initiated in the Late Miocene deformed northern part of Papua westward to form transtensional basin including Salawati. Several explorations in Sorong Fault zones have been done following the successful of Salawati which their petroleum system rely on the Miocene Carbonate reservoir of Kais Formation with the younger Klasafet shale as the sources rocks. Juxtaposed stratigraphic position is the main petroleum play for this basin.
Seminar Nasional Kebumian Ke-6 dan Internasional Conference on Georesources & Geological Engineering
Jurusan Teknik Geologi Fakultas Teknik UGM mempunyai hajat besar pada 11-12 Desember 2013. Hajat besar tersebut adalah “Seminar Nasional Kebumian Ke-6 dan Internasional Conference on Georesources & Geological Engineering 2013” yang diselenggarakan di Hotel Royal Ambarukmo Yogyakarta.
Acara seminar nasional kebumian merupakan kegiatan rutin tahunan yang diselenggarakan oleh Jurusan Teknik Geologi UGM. Pada seminar nasional kebumian ke-6 kali ini diselenggarakan dalam rangka menyambut ulang tahun Kampus Bayat yang ke-30 dan dilakukan bersamaan dengan Internasional Conference on Georesources & Geological Engineering 2013. Tema yang diangkat pada seminar nasional kebumian ke-6 kali ini adalah “Penguatan Pendidikan dan Riset Geologi dalam rangka optimalisasi Eksplorasi dan Pemanfaatan Sumberdaya Geologi untuk Kemajuan Bangsa”.
Day/Date : Friday/24 January 2014
Place : Blue Meeting Room – Civil&Environmental Eng. Dept. UGM – 3rd Floor
– Prof. Hiroshi Fukuoka (Kyoto University) : “Landslide Dynamics and Monitoring”
08:00 – 10:00 am (60-90 minutes lecture, 30 minutes discussion)
– Prof. Hemanta Hazarika (Kyushu University) : “Emerging Non-Dilatant Geomaterials towards Geohazards Prevention”
10:00 – 11:30 am (60 minutes lecture, 30 minutes discussion)